Your beliefs are developed from family, friends, society, and your experiences. They are nothing more than opinions that you trust and are often passed down from generation to generation (which means that beliefs are hereditary). Beliefs are extremely powerful and give energy very strong direction and force.
If you experience something or are told something and have no reason to dis-believe or doubt the information, it can settle into your subconsciousness or unconsciousness as being TRUE, which creates a belief that in many instances you may not even know is there. Ask yourself: Is it our belief, or is it my belief? Does that belief resonate with me? Does that belief make sense to me? Is that belief worth me believing in? Whatever you believe is TRUE for YOU! If a child witnesses racism, especially from someone they hold in high regard (like a mother, father, grandparent, etc.), they learn to believe that judging someone for the color of their skin or for the slant of their eyes or for their nationality is okay. Judgment of others attracts judgment of you. You must HEAL the instinct to judge others! If you learned that money is always a struggle, financial abundance may be difficult to come by. You must HEAL the belief that money is always a struggle because telling yourself that you are worthy of financial abundance doesn't change your belief! If you perceived or were told that you were never good enough, you might believe that you’re not good enough. No matter how many times you tell yourself that you ARE good enough, it does not change the deep-seated belief that you are not and may never be. You must HEAL the belief that you're not good enough and create a new belief that you ARE good enough. If one day you ate tomatoes and got heartburn, you may have developed a belief that tomatoes cause heartburn. Therefore, each time you eat tomatoes you experience heartburn. Because of this belief, you leave very little chance for your Body to re-act differently. You must HEAL the belief that does not support your desires to give your Body a chance to do something different! On the other hand, if you have been able to find a job effortlessly, you believe that getting a job is easy. If you have always had the money you needed, you may never doubt that you’ll always have the money you need. If you pick up on new things quickly, you believe that learning is easy. Either way, beliefs are very powerful and create many things in your life. Are your beliefs creating what you want or are they interfering with you having what you want? Assess what beliefs support your desires and HEAL the ones that don't! The faster you HEAL the ones that create what you don't want, the faster you can have what you do want! Find more information on the power of beliefs and how to HEAL them in the book Infinite Healing™: Empowering You to HEAL the Negative So the Positive Can Flow Naturally! (pgs. 101-102, 134-136).
Helping others, doing things for others, taking care of others, etc. makes you feel good; makes you feel needed; makes you feel wanted. It is like filling a bag with water. When you do something for others because you want to, it adds water to your bag.
Neglecting yourself, putting yourself last, and doing things for others out of obligation or "because you have to" creates negativity in your Spirit, Mind, Heart, and Body, and puts holes in your bag. Holes in your bag drain the water (Joy) that’s in your bag. In this analogy, it does not matter how much you water you put in, if you do not fill the holes, your bag can never accumulate water. It is like a never-ending task. Taking care of yourself, doing things for yourself, and making yourself a priority does not have to be selfish. In fact, doing these fill the holes in your bag as if they were never there, and they contribute positive energy to your Spirit, Mind, Heart, and Body. If you are not willing to make yourself a priority, it can be a challenge to attract those who will. Besides, when you take care of yourself, you are much better able to help take care of others, and when you nurture yourself, your Spirit soars! If you want to be at the top of others' priority list, start learning to put yourself at the top of your own! What message are YOU giving to others about your importance? You are so much more important to this world than you realize, and everything you do contributes either positive or negative energy to the Universe. So, if you really want to see the world HEAL, you must begin with HEALING YOU!
Thoughts are continuously going through your Mind. Some of them make sense, and some of them seem random; some of them you're aware of, others you aren't. Thoughts give energy direction. Your emotions are triggered from your thoughts. If you feel like someone has done something TO you, negative emotions are triggered. Emotions give energy power. Because what you feel is triggered by what you think, you do not choose your emotions. You do, however, get to choose what you do with them. Regardless of what you opt to do with them, know that if you think it, it’s out there and if you feel it, it’s there. This means that your every thought and emotion is contributing either positive or negative energy to the Universe—whether you want it to or not, and whether you HONOR it or not. Traditionally, we haven't known what to do with those negative thoughts or the emotions that follow so we either ignore, deny, or suppress them, change our focus to something positive, or release, clear, or try to let go and move on. In all of these cases, the negative is still adversely affecting the energy of the Universe. If you really want to make a positive impact on the world, start using the Infinite Healing™ tools to HEAL the negative within YOU, because HEALING of the energy of the Universe begins with HEALING YOU! Your reaction to situations is instinctive. You don't choose how you react, it just happens. If you think you have been wronged, you have; if you feel anger, you are angry; and if it matters to you, it matters! Stop trying to justify why you think the way you think and feel the way you feel. Stop trying to convince yourself that you shouldn't think "that" or feel "that" way. Stop telling yourself that it doesn't matter!
The important thing to remember is that when a negative emotion is triggered, YOU have an opportunity to HEAL, and if you don't HEAL it, that negative energy stays within you whether you want it to or not. (The first 3 Infinite Healing™ tools are designed to help you HEAL the negative. It really is quite simple.) It's time to start HONORING what you really think and what you really feel. It's time to start HEALING the negative instead of ignoring it. It's time to start being TRULY positive instead of just pretending you are. #HONORandHEAL What you feel is triggered by what you are thinking (whether you HONOR it or not), and the energy of those thoughts and emotions is what you are putting into everything you are doing. If your thoughts and emotions are negative, you will be contributing lower-level energy to what you are doing; if your thoughts and emotions are positive, you will be contributing higher-level energy to what you are dong. Keep in Mind, however, that if you are having negative thoughts and feelings, just forcing your thoughts to a positive will not necessarily shift your energy higher as quickly as you might want. That is why it is more effective to use the Infinite Healing™ tools to HEAL the negative so the positive can flow naturally. Cooking in our house is never allowed if the cook is grumpy or mad because that energy goes into the food. This concept applies to absolutely everything in life: gardening, art, working, writing, paying bills, driving, sports, watching the news, etc. and is explained in detail in the Infinite Healing™ book under Principle #2: Everything is Influenced by Energy (pages 39-46). Become aware of the energy are you REALLY putting into what you are doing because that is also the frequency you are contributing to the Universe. In Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™, Stacie You don't choose how you feel. Your emotions are instinctively triggered by your thoughts. You do, however, get to choose what you do with those emotions. I learned a long time ago to not give the negative any attention, because giving it attention gives it power. So I would ignore those lower-level thoughts and suppress what I was really feeling by focusing my attention to something positive, try to justify the experience, or by just deny that I thought what I thought and felt what I felt. Other times I would try to convince myself that I shouldn't feel that way, try to let go of it, clear it out of my energy field, release it into the Universe, or cancel the energy ("cancel, cancel, cancel").
What I didn't know was that the negative has power whether I HONOR it or not and that using these other means was just hiding the problem - masking the symptom like taking a pill for a headache. When you use the Infinite Healing™ tools to HEAL, you HEAL your perspective and the emotions that were triggered, which prevents them from settling in the physical. Now that I have learned the difference between ignoring the negative and HEALING the negative, I am not a victim of other people's actions, I can honestly say that I know what flowing in Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™ feels like, and I often smile just because life is awesome. I hope you are able to learn the difference.
Like you radiate the same frequency as your energy, you also attract it. Unfortunately, it is easy to misinterpret what you are really sending out because when you get so good at ignoring or denying the negative, all you see is what you want, which is usually the positive.
To see your True vibration, pay attention to what you’re attracting. Every experience in your life gives you an indication of your vibration at that time. If you are continually encountering people or situations that trigger annoyance, irritation, anger, judgment, or any other negative emotion, your frequency is probably not as positive as you think. Denying, suppressing, or ignoring the negative doesn’t mean it isn’t there! If you don’t HONOR it and take the time to HEAL it then, it stays in your energy and continually influences what you experience in your life. Many spend a lot of time trying to make life make sense. You don’t always need to know why you think or feel the way you do. You don’t need to try to figure out why people do the things they do or why they are the way they are. You are looking at their situation from your experiences and your perspective, not theirs—which means it could be impossible for you to understand. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense and that’s okay.
I used to be one of those analytical (and sometimes over-analytical) people who tried to make sense of everything. If I could just make sense of it, I might feel better about what happened. Sometimes I could understand it and I could move on; sometimes I could rationalize it and I still didn’t feel any better; and sometimes I just couldn’t make it make sense so I tried my best to forget about it and go on. When I started working with energy many years ago, I experienced many things that I could not explain. How can hips adjust with just placing the hands on the body? How can I be following someone in my car at a certain speed and once I change lanes, I pass them yet I am still going the same speed? I analyzed everything! When the thought finally occurred to me that I am not able to make sense of everything, it opened up a whole new world for me and saved me a lot of frustration. In fact, this concept is actually Infinite Healing™ Principle #9--It Is What it IS (page 121). This principle explains that we actually don’t have to make sense of anything. Note that this principle is a different take on the phrase than how it is commonly used. If you are continually trying to apply logic to life and justify why things are the way they are and why people do the things they do, you may miss out on time that could be better spent on other things. Needing to know why gets you stuck in the limited human Mind, gets you trapped in logic, and stagnates the flow of positive energy. Needing to know why puts you in the way of Unconditional Love. Spend more time doing things you enJOY and less time trying to make life make sense. Why do things have to make sense to you? References to page numbers refer to the Infinite Healing™: Empowering You to HEAL the Negative So the Positive Can Flow Naturally! book. I recently noticed that sometimes I make decisions from Spirit and other times my actions would come from ego.
Ego-based actions are those that have a benefit to me as a person, those that will make me look good to others, that show how good of a person I am, or that I will get a direct reward from. Am I doing this because it benefits me? Am I doing this because I feel obligated to? Am I making this decision out of fear? If the answer is yes, it is from ego. Spirit-based decisions are made from a standpoint of Unconditional Love. This means doing something because that is what is best for the Universe not because it is what is best for me; it means doing things where I expect absolutely nothing in return (not even a thank-you); and it means that I whatever I do, I do because I want to not because I "should" or feel obligated to. Prior to the release of the Infinite Healing™ book I had written down several goals, one of which was to have the book on the New York Times best-seller list. I regularly used the Infinite Healing™ tools to direct the energy to try to help me accomplish this goal. After the release of the book, an overwhelming feeling of Peace came over me and I KNEW in my Heart that getting the book published was actually the ultimate goal. Whether it sells a few thousand or millions doesn't matter-the information is out there for those who are ready for it. As I looked back over the goals I had set, I noticed that most of them were ego-based. This list is no longer posted where I see it every day and is now in my recycle bin. My Spirit-based goal for the book is to help as many people as possible. Now that I am aware of the difference, before I make a decision of whether or not I will do something, I ask myself, "Am I taking action from Spirit or ego?". If the answer is ego, I re-evaluate the situation. Do you take action from Spirit or ego? I have been considering creating this blog for some time. The reason it has taken me so long to actually do so is that I was hesitant to create yet one more thing to try to keep up on. However, as I make the posts on my Infinite Healing™ and All About Health, Inc. facebook pages, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram, I feel that I am limited with what I say. I want to use this blog as a place to give you the details and inspiration for the messages and information I am putting out there.
So stay tuned for information to help you create a life filled with Joy, Happiness, Peace, and Harmony! May your day flow in Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™, Stacie |
Stacie FarnhamMy passion is to help you realize how powerful YOU are and how YOU have the power within you to create a life that is filled with Joy, Happiness, Peace, and Harmony! Archives
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