Infinite Healing™ is a way to HONOR all of you and HEAL the things you don’t like! It gives you specific tools to help you learn life lessons and provides steps for you to transform the negative into a positive (instead of refocusing your Mind on a positive and ignoring the negative). It gives you a new perspective on how easy it is to learn the lessons you’re here to learn and how to Truly HEAL negative thoughts, emotions, physical symptoms, and all other less-than-desirable things in your life. HEALING the negative gives you the freedom from negativity and allows the positive to flow naturally in all parts of your life! Back to top
How does Infinite Healing™ work?
The more negativity you’ve ignored, suppressed, denied, and/or justified, the more layers have developed. Infinite Healing™ HEALS at all layers and oftentimes HEAL more than one layer at a time. Each tool HEALS at a different level:
Tool #1: HONOR what you really think and feel. This is the first level of HEALING and is important because you’re only able to HEAL to the level you’re willing to be completely HONEST with yourself about what you really think and really feel! This tool in-and-of-itself can HEAL many layers.
Tool #2: ACTIVATING ALL SOURCES HEALS at multiple layers. This one is important because if you don’t learn the lesson(s), you will get another chance, and another, and another, and another—and why in the world would you want to do that!
Tool #3: TRANSFORMING ALL SOURCES of what you really think and really feel to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™ changes the vibration of the energy to a positive and HEALS at all layers.
When you TRANSFORM ALL SOURCES, you are transforming (changing) the energy of the thought that triggered the emotion to a higher vibration.
The Infinite Healing™ statements work because energy follows thought. Also, because it’s changing the vibration of energy, it HEALS past, present, and future!
Additional details on the tools, the Infinite Healing™ 101 online course, and/or in the Infinite Healing™ book:
They are simply your thoughts, beliefs, expectations, ideas, imagination, etc. that trigger the emotions you feel. Back to top
Why do I transform all sources of what I’m feeling?
That’s what HEALS the negative thought patterns that create you to re-act the way you do and trigger the negative emotions. Back to top
Why don't I transform what I’m feeling to UL&UG?
That would be a temporary fix because it’s the thoughts that trigger what you’re feeling, so if you don’t HEAL the thoughts (sources), the same emotions will be triggered again because you still see what happened through the same negative perspective. Back to top
What's the goal of Infinite Healing™?
The ultimate goal of Infinite Healing™ is to HEAL the instinctive negative re-actions so you can live in TRUST more often-than-not! This is TRUST in God, the Universe, the higher power, and TRUST in YOU! When you live in TRUST, stress, worry, and other negative re-actions are present in your life less often - which gives you FREEDOM to enJOY life! Another goal of Infinite Healing™ is to reduce the amount of negativity in YOU, making you a better version of YOU, which in turn reduces the amount of negativity in the world and makes the world a better place! Back to top
Why do we transformenergy?
According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed; and there are two things you can do to energy: transform it or transfer it
To transform it means to change. With Infinite Healing™, we change it to a higher vibration.
To transfer it means to take it from one place and move it to another. In many instances, clearing and releasing is a form of transferring energy from one place to another. That may seem beneficial to you, but the problem is that when you transfer anger, for example, it’s still anger, and still having a negative impact on your environment, family, pets, etc.
Why do I ACTIVATE ALL LESSONS I am and everyone else is to learn?
Since every experience typically involves more than one person, you aren’t the only one who’s meant to learn lessons from your experiences. Even if you hear about an experience from another person, YOU are meant to learn lessons from that. So, we cover it all by including “and everyone else is learn”. It’s part of making this world a better place! Back to top
Why don't I need to be aware of the lessons I'm learning when using the Infinite Healing™ tools?
Many of the lessons you’re to learn from negative experiences in your life aren’t human-level lessons like you betrayed me so now I can’t trust you; they’re lessons at a spiritual level – a level far beyond our comprehension, which means it’s likely that you won’t be aware of them. If you get caught up in needing to know or figure out the lessons, you will get in the way of the deepest HEALING. Make the statements and TRUST that energy follows thought and the statements work are doing exactly what they say. Back to top
Is there a difference between “Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™” and “Unconditional Love and Gratitude”?
YES. In the early days of Infinite Healing™, we actually used “Unconditional Love and Gratitude”. In the advancement of the tools, I found that “Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™” gets even better results and appears to HEAL deeper. It is THE ultimate vibration! Throughout the Infinite Healing™ materials, if you ever see UL&UG, that IS Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™! Back to top
Does this mean that when I use the Infinite Healing™ tools that I’ll immediately love the person or be grateful for the negative experience?
Not necessarily. Although HEALING does change the way you look at people and situations, it doesn't necessarily mean that all layers will be HEALED at once and you'll feel unconditional love for a person or be unconditionally grateful for what happened. It simply means that you HEAL what you really think and really feel about the person or what happened, which allows YOU to be free from the negativity and vibrate higher. When this happens, you no longer drag the baggage from the past into the NOW. When your frequency is high, you have less negative re-actions, you take less things personally, and you attract more positive things and people! Back to top
Sometimes you say “activate”, sometimes you say “amplify”, and sometimes it’s “activate and amplify”. Why?
Because we have everything we need within us, we need to activatefirst. Amplifying is boosting the energy. For example, if you’re doing HEALING on a situation or a person you’ve HEALED on before, you can amplify all lessons; or if you want to give a boost to the energy to create what you want, you’d amplify all sources that create what you want. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve already activated the lessons or the sources, so to cover my bases, I activate and amplify! Back to top
How do I get the deepest HEALING?
Use the first 3 Infinite Healing™ tools as outlined
Include "and all experiences that create or contribute to" in your statements
Be completely HONEST with yourself about what you really think and really feel, unfiltered and brutally honest
HEALING while you’re IN it (whatever IT is)
HEALING while you’re IN it THE FIRST TIME prevents layers of negativity building up
Why is it important to be unfiltered and brutally honest with what I really think and really feel?
You’re only able to HEAL to the level you’re willing to HONOR your truth! If you’re betrayed but you’re HEALING that you’re mad or angry, you’re not HEALING betrayal! Sometimes you think things that aren’t nice and feel things you don’t want to feel towards people, especially those you love. You’re human. It’s your truth. You’re not hiding it from God, the Universe so you might as well HONOR and HEAL it! Back to top
Why do we include “…and all experiences that create or contribute to…”?
Everything in your present is affected by your past. When HEALING you want to HEAL not only your feelings and re-actions in the present, but everything that creates or contributes to you feeling and re-acting this way. This takes the HEALING to a whole different level! Back to top
How is Infinite Healing™ NOT positive thinking?
Unlike positive thinking, Infinite Healing™ is actually HONORING and HEALING the negative instead of pretending it isn’t there. Even though HONORING the negative isn't standard practice, it's more important than most realize! Positive thinking is symptom treatment, like taking a pill so you don’t feel the pain of a headache. It doesn't mean the pain isn't there, it just means you're not aware of it. It's also similar to putting a band-aid on a wound before cleaning it. The band-aid hides the wound but it continues to fester in the background. Back to top
How is Infinite Healing™ different than affirmations?
Affirmations ARE a form of positive thinking. They work on the premise that energy follows thought and where you focus your thoughts, the energy goes. This is true—to an extent. Yes, energy follows thought, but it’s ALL thoughts, not just the ones you want and not just the ones you focus on. Where does the energy go when you’re not focused on what you want? If there’s fear, doubt, anger, frustration, etc. about you not having what you want or you don’t truly believe you can have it (under your current circumstances), the energy is going THERE more often than it’s going towards what you want the limited time you’re making the affirmation. If you live in financial fear every time you get gas, buy groceries, pay the bills, want something you “can’t afford”, etc., the energy goes THERE more often than it goes towards your affirmation of “I am financially abundant.” If you feel like you’re lying to yourself as you say the affirmation, it’s not doing what you want it to. In fact, affirmations are often lies because if you already had it, you wouldn’t be saying it. For example, if your affirmation is “I am financially abundant” but you feel like it’s untrue, you doubt it, don’t believe it, or know differently, you’ve negated the statement and it will be a continual process of attracting what you want. Infinite Healing™ isn’t trying to convince yourself you have something you don’t—it’s HEALING why you don’t already have it! It’s not trying to attract something you don’t already have—it’s HEALING what’s in the way of you having it so you can naturally attract it! It’s not imagining what it feels like to have what you don’t have (because in all honesty, how would you know what it feels like to have it if you’ve never had it?)—it’s HEALING you out of the way so the chances are higher that you can have it! Back to top
What happens in an Infinite Healing™ session?
Discussion, discovery of your TRUTH, and HEALING statements. We will spend our time discovering what’s in the way of you having what you want, what you really think and really feel about that, and go through the Infinite Healing™ statements to HEAL. Although we can make significant progress in these sessions, for maximum results, you must make Infinite Healing™ part of your lifestyle and HEAL on your own, preferably while you’re in it, every single time a negative emotion is triggered or you’re aware of a negative thought. Back to top
How does Infinite Healing™ raise my vibration?
HONORING what you really think and feel, learning lessons, and transforming negative energy to a higher vibration raises your vibration. But even MORE IMPORTANTLY: Infinite Healing™ HEALS what lowers your vibration. When you HEAL what lowers your vibration, it can naturally be higher (which makes you attract more positive things in your life). Back to top
Does Infinite Healing™ replace prayer?
That’s up to you. Your relationship with God, the Universe, the higher power is personal and between you. You can pray and use Infinite Healing™. I see Infinite Healing™ as ME, helping God, help me. I now take responsibility for what I think and what I feel, and I take action to do something about it, using tools that have been made available to me, rather than asking and hoping that God will take care of it for me. Do I believe God, the Universe can HEAL me? Absolutely! But I find I HEAL faster when I put effort in! Since consistently using Infinite Healing™, I actually talk to God more, and I notice that it’s less often to ask for something and more often to say thank-you for something I’ve been blessed with. Back to top
If I HEAL, the person gets away with what they've done. What's the Infinite Healing™ perspective on that?
They did what they did. They can't take it back. You can't change the past. The person "gets away" with it regardless of whether YOU HEAL or not. You either choose to HEAL you and be free from the negativity of what was triggered when they did what they did (or didn't do) or said what they said (or didn't say), OR you hang onto it, try to prove your point, try to make them understand, try to make them pay, etc. and have it negatively effect your vibration, your life, and your Body, over and over and over. Back to top
Can I use Infinite Healing™ to HEAL others?
Because Infinite Healing™ works with energy, it's possible to help others HEAL by using the tools for them. HOWEVER ... Infinite Healing™ works best when YOU HEAL YOU and THEY HEAL THEM.
You HEAL what YOU really think and really feel about what they're going through, what's happening to them, what's triggered in you from that and the fear(s) and potential of what may or may not happen. HEALING you helps HEAL others.
Them using the tools to HEAL them works better and HEALS deeper. I think, as discussed above, because there's accountability and effort on their part.