Infinite Healing™ is not just a new twist on the same old concepts of positive thinking, affirmations, releasing negative emotions, and letting go. Infinite Healing™ offers a new and very powerful viewpoint on HEALING. It gives you specific tools to help you learn life lessons and it provides steps for you to actually transform the negative to positive, instead of refocusing your Mind on a positive and ignoring the negative. It gives you a way to be proactive in Truly HEALING your Body and your life by helping the Universe help you. The concepts of Infinite Healing™ may sound familiar, but it is undeniably a new and different approach to HEALING.
To see the results of your past thoughts and emotions,
look at your current life. It is your past attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, habits, and actions —and the emotions associated with them-- that have created the life you’re living now. To see your future, look at your current life. It is your current attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, habits, and actions —and the emotions associated with them-- that are creating your future. |