Infinite Healing™ Session Pricing
Infinite Healing™ can be used to HEAL the negative in every area of your life.
Sessions include both discovery of and HEALING
what's in the way of you having what you want.
In either one-hour or one-hour and fifteen-minute sessions,
I'll guide you through the negative that's happening in your life, what creates or contributes
to you re-acting the way you do, and help you HEAL!
I'll also guide you through the Infinite Healing™ tools to help you attract what you want!
You can attend via Zoom or in-person.
You will receive access to the audio recording of your session for 7 days.
Sessions include both discovery of and HEALING
what's in the way of you having what you want.
In either one-hour or one-hour and fifteen-minute sessions,
I'll guide you through the negative that's happening in your life, what creates or contributes
to you re-acting the way you do, and help you HEAL!
I'll also guide you through the Infinite Healing™ tools to help you attract what you want!
You can attend via Zoom or in-person.
You will receive access to the audio recording of your session for 7 days.