TRUE HEALING is HEALING the source of all of the emotions that create symptoms in your physical Body, which allows you to flow in spiritual Harmony.
You ARE your consciousness, your subconsciousness, and your unconsciousness, so you must HEAL all. You ARE your past, your present, and your future, so you must HEAL all three. You ARE all that ever Was, all that Is, and all that will ever Be, so you must HEAL all possibilities, all potentials that have ever been, that are, and that will ever be. You ARE every cell, every molecule, every atom, and everything in between, so you must HEAL all. You ARE your Spirit, your Mind, your Heart, and your Body, so you must HEAL all four.
If you are only focusing on part of you, you will only receive temporary results. Until you learn how to Truly HEAL the Source of the negative emotions you feel (past and present), those feelings will be triggered every time you think about the event. Focusing on the positive does not Truly HEAL; affirming a positive does not Truly HEAL; releasing or letting go of negative emotions does not Truly HEAL; ignoring, suppressing, and denying that you have negative thoughts and emotions does not Truly HEAL.
Besides, it takes more time and effort to continually force the positive than it does to HEAL the negative.