The Infinite Healing™ story begins many years ago with my study and practice of energy work and positive thinking. For years I have kept a notebook handy during my morning routine to write down random thoughts that come to me. Thoughts such as, “it is your perception that causes you to take life personally” and “if you carry around any lower-level emotion it attracts the same lower-level emotion (like a ball and chain or a magnet)”.
In about 2008, the name “Infinite Healing” came to me and although I knew it would be something I was doing in the future, I had no idea what it was. Every now and then I felt like I needed to be working on “Infinite Healing” but I would think, “I don’t know what it is and I don’t have time.” I now know those feelings were taps on the shoulder from God, the Universe.
Then the feelings came more often and I continued to push them away for the same reasons. I was busy building my business, seeing clients, teaching students, and being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I now know those more-frequent feelings were stronger nudges from God, the Universe.
I learned that when you ignore the taps on the shoulder and the nudges from God, the Universe, you will get other opportunities to do what you’re supposed to be doing, with each encouragement getting more extreme.
In September, 2011 I got a full-on shove! I broke my ankle playing softball. It was a complete break of both the inside and outside bones which required surgery. Lying there at home plate two words came to mind: “Infinite Healing”.
Amazingly, I now had time to put together all of the notes I’d accumulated over the years. As I organized those “random” thoughts, I realized they were not random at all. There was a pattern and that pattern WAS Infinite Healing™.
On January 7, 2012 Infinite Healing™ was revealed in a live workshop in Boise, Idaho.
The first versions of Infinite Healing™ were yet another twist on positive thinking, changing your perspective, letting go of what you really think and really feel, and affirmations with some deeper HEALING tools thrown in.
Through client and student feedback and receiving additional messages, Infinite Healing™ has evolved into a truly amazing technique where positive thinking and letting go are simply forms of symptom treatment and HONORING the negative is a key part in deep, long-term HEALING.
Infinite Healing™ offers a new and very powerful perspective on HEALING. It gives you tools to help you learn life lessons and provides steps for you to actually transform the negative to a positive, instead of refocusing your Mind on a positive and ignoring the negative. It gives you a way for to be proactive in Truly HEALING your Body and your life by helping God, the Universe help you. In fact, the ultimate goals of Infinite Healing™ are to TRUST in God, the Universe more-often-than-not and to experience True Gratitude, more-often-than-not.
The Infinite Healing™ book was published in February, 2015 and is available on Amazon and
The concepts of Infinite Healing™ may sound familiar, but it is undeniably a new and different approach to HEALING. So, before you dismiss this as something you think you already know, I encourage you to explore deeper and experience the power of what TRUE HEALING feels like! Maybe THIS is the answer you’ve been waiting for!