TRADITIONALHONOR what you really think and really feel
about the situation or the person. Then make statements with intent (in your head or out loud), “I ACTIVATE ALL LESSONS I am and everyone else is to learn from this experience and all experiences that create or contribute to me feeling this way. "I transform all sources of [insert the feelings you can quickly define here], everything else I feel, and everything that creates or contributes to me feeling this way to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.” Example: “I TRANSFORM ALL SOURCES of anger, betrayal, disappointment, everything else I feel, and everything that creates or contributes to me feeling this way to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.” Don’t think
it’s that easy? What if it IS? Checkout the Infinite Healing™ 101
online course to help you get a better understanding of using the tools! |
FREESTYLEHONOR that negative emotions are triggered in you and you have an opportunity to HEAL.
Freestyle can be used once you know that when you say "I activate all lessons", it means: "I ACTIVATE ALL LESSONS I am and everyone else is to learn from this experience and all experiences that create or contribute to me feeling this way." Then you start by saying: "I ACTIVATE ALL LESSONS and TRANSFORM ALL SOURCES of ..." [then just start talking - unscripted and unfiltered - about what happened, what you really feel about it, what they did, how you really feel about that, how you really feel about them, etc. Let your Mind take you wherever it leads] When you're done, finish by saying: "... and everything else I think and feel about all of that and everything that creates or contributes to me re-acting this way to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™." Freestyle can also be used if you find yourself talking about something you need to HEAL. After you're done talking it through...say:
"I ACTIVATE ALL LESSONS and TRANSFORM ALL SOURCES of all of that, everything else I think and feel about all of that and everything that creates or contributes to me feeling this way to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™." I find that sometimes HEALING freestyle gets the desire results but in other times, the traditional way does. Be open to varying these styles depending on what you're experiencing so that YOU get the deepest HEALING!
When one isn't working as deep as you'd like, try the other! |