Bliss is the ultimate objective. This phase is where you always navigate your life (rather than try to control it); you always allow others to be who they are (without judgment); you accept who you are (without judgment); you always view life from a viewpoint of Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™ because life happens for You (rather than to you); you act (rather than react); and you infinitely vibrate at Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.
The Enlightenment phase is a complete level of consciousness where you HONOR all of You. You are aware of all opportunities to learn lessons and to HEAL when you experience less-than-desirable things in life—not just your life, but in all of life. This includes the less-than-desirable situations that you hear about or witness, and you take the opportunities to HEAL the energy associated with those situations. You undoubtedly understand the intricate connection between your Spirit, Mind, Heart, and Body.
The awareness phase of life is one of the most exciting. You become aware of what you think and what you feel. You become conscious of not only how important it is to HONOR everything about YOU, but how to HONOR you. You begin to discover who YOU are now and how to HEAL the less-than-desirable things about yourself and your life. You are becoming mindful of the differences between life happening to you and life happening for you. You learn the difference between acting and reacting. You begin to see yourself as more than parts, and you start to understand the elaborate connection between your Spirit, Mind, Heart, and Body, your past, present, and your future, and your consciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness.
In the rose garden, what appears on your Spiritual Course™ is mostly enjoyable, where every now and then you encounter some challenges (opportunities to learn lessons and to HEAL), but overall, life is pretty good. Life happens for You more than to you. You live in FAITH more than fear, and you act more than you react. You tend to attract good people and good things. You get here either by HEALING or by fate, which means that you may be aware of the opportunities to learn lessons and to HEAL and you take advantage of them, or you may be oblivious to how you’re attracting what you have and you’re just here.
There’s the scenic route, where you tend to take your time learning lessons, advancing your Spirit in a round-about way where you experience some trials in life which I refer to as “construction” (opportunities to learn lessons and to HEAL). Life is just okay most of the time. You want to live in complete TRUST, but you’re afraid to give up total control, so you bounce between FAITH and fear. You try to force the positive and deny the negative, which often creates a constant battle in your head. You force positive things in your life and avoid the negative.
In the construction phase, you may feel like you’re facing challenges more often than not. You react more than you act and you’re often negatively affected by others’ actions because you take life personally. You try to force the positive or ignore the negative because you do not want to go “there.” You suppress your feelings rather than HONORING them, but you do not often let them show, which means that what you show on the outside is different than what is really going on inside. Life happens to you more than it happens for You.
The junkyard is where few things ever seem to go right. Life is mostly miserable and feels like one big fight where you’re continually experiencing struggle after struggle. In this phase, there is little-to-no JOY, little-to-no HOPE, and little-to-no LIGHT. You are a victim of life and you tend to blame yourself or others for what happens to you. Because you’re a victim of everything, you do not want to go “there,” which means you’ll never HEAL “that.” You feel as if life has given you the short end of the stick and is one giant disappointment.