Infinite Healing™ follows ten basic principles and includes four main tools. Note that in the original book there are six tools listed, but I’ve since realized that tools #5 (TRUST that the outcome will be exactly as it is supposed to be) & #6 (Be TRULY GRATEFUL) are more goals than tools. The tools and principles complement one another and are interconnected. It’s helpful to understand the tools to apply as you go through the principles, yet it’s also important to have knowledge of the principles as you apply the tools.
Infinite Healing™ Principles
1.Everything is Energy 2.Everything is Influenced by Energy 3.You Exist at Infinite Levels 4.You Must HEAL at Infinite Levels to TrulyHEAL 5.Energy Follows Thought 6.What Your Mind Believes Creates Your Reality 7.Life is NOT Personal 8.You Attract What You Live 9.It IS What It IS 10.You Must Honor You to TrulyHEAL