I Will...Allow myself to be who I AM
Be who you are FOR you, not for who you think someone else wants you to be, not for whom you think you are supposed to be, and not for whom you think society says you should be.
You are who you are; you think what you think; you feel what you feel. If you do not like what you think or what you feel, HEAL it! When you learn to honor everything about yourself – even the parts that you don’t prefer – you become aware of who you are now. You also become aware of the parts of yourself that you can HEAL so that the True YOU can be revealed. |
“I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I transform all Sources of everything that I am feeling to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to be who I AM.”
“I transform all Sources of everything that I am feeling to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to be who I AM.”