I Will...Do something for ME
Life has a lot of expectations and responsibilities. In getting caught up in our daily responsibilities and what is expected of us as a mother/father, wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend, friend, daughter/son, sister/brother, etc we often neglect ourselves.
Helping others, doing things for others, taking care of others, etc makes you feel good; makes you feel needed; makes you feel wanted. It is like filling a bag with water. When you do something for others because you want to, it adds water to your bag. |
Neglecting yourself, putting yourself last, and doing things for others out of obligation or "because you have to" puts holes in your bag. Holes in your bag drain the water that’s in your bag. In this analogy, it does not matter how much you water you put in, if you do not fill the holes, your bag can never accumulate water. It is like a never-ending task.
Doing things for yourself fill the holes in your bag as if they were never there. It is important that you take time to do something for yourself! How often do you do something FOR yourself for no reason other than it is FOR you?
Here’s an example – although a bit silly - of when I realized I felt a need to justify doing something for me:
My husband and my daughters were gone for the evening. I was home alone, enjoying the ‘me’ time. I realized I was hungry but I didn’t really feel like fixing something to eat just for me. Here’s a synopsis of the conversation in my head:
“What do I want to eat?”
“I want Hungry Onion.”
“But that’s quite a ways to go just to get something to eat.”
“You’re right, but I haven’t had it in a long time and it sounds delicious,”
“But that’s quite a drive just to get your self something to eat. Besides, does it make sense to take that much time just to get something to eat for you?”
“That’s true. Maybe I’ll just find something here.”
Then I became aware that I was trying to justify why I wanted what I wanted and why it did not make sense to do it. One of those Aha moments for me! I got in my car and drove to Hungry Onion. I had a smile on my face the whole way because I was doing it FOR ME! I got my order, drove home and enjoyed every delicious bite! That’s when I realized how little I really did things for me.
"I activate all lessons that I am to learn from not doing things for me."
“I transform all Sources of feeling guilty for doing things for me to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to easily do things for me!”
Doing things for yourself fill the holes in your bag as if they were never there. It is important that you take time to do something for yourself! How often do you do something FOR yourself for no reason other than it is FOR you?
Here’s an example – although a bit silly - of when I realized I felt a need to justify doing something for me:
My husband and my daughters were gone for the evening. I was home alone, enjoying the ‘me’ time. I realized I was hungry but I didn’t really feel like fixing something to eat just for me. Here’s a synopsis of the conversation in my head:
“What do I want to eat?”
“I want Hungry Onion.”
“But that’s quite a ways to go just to get something to eat.”
“You’re right, but I haven’t had it in a long time and it sounds delicious,”
“But that’s quite a drive just to get your self something to eat. Besides, does it make sense to take that much time just to get something to eat for you?”
“That’s true. Maybe I’ll just find something here.”
Then I became aware that I was trying to justify why I wanted what I wanted and why it did not make sense to do it. One of those Aha moments for me! I got in my car and drove to Hungry Onion. I had a smile on my face the whole way because I was doing it FOR ME! I got my order, drove home and enjoyed every delicious bite! That’s when I realized how little I really did things for me.
"I activate all lessons that I am to learn from not doing things for me."
“I transform all Sources of feeling guilty for doing things for me to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to easily do things for me!”