I Will...Learn to see myself without judgment
Fact: You are human and you don't always have ideal thoughts that trigger the most positive emotions.
Fact: everyone is the best they can be at the time – including you. If they could have done better they would have. Even if they choose to not do the "right" thing, they were not in a place where they could have – or they would have. The same goes for you. If you could have done "better" you would have. If you don't like the thoughts you have, instead of judging yourself for having them, HONOR and HEAL them! |
If you don't like the emotions that you feel, instead of judging yourself for feeling them, HEAL them!
HEALing negative thoughts and negative emotions allows positive thoughts and emotions to flow naturally.
"I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I transform all Sources of judgment of myself and others to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to see myself and others without judgment.”
HEALing negative thoughts and negative emotions allows positive thoughts and emotions to flow naturally.
"I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I transform all Sources of judgment of myself and others to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”
“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to see myself and others without judgment.”