Many spend a lot of time trying to make life make sense. You don’t always need to know why you think or feel the way you do. You don’t need to try to figure out why people do the things they do or why they are the way they are. You are looking at their situation from your experiences and your perspective, not theirs—which means it could be impossible for you to understand. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense and that’s okay.
I used to be one of those analytical (and sometimes over-analytical) people who tried to make sense of everything. If I could just make sense of it, I might feel better about what happened. Sometimes I could understand it and I could move on; sometimes I could rationalize it and I still didn’t feel any better; and sometimes I just couldn’t make it make sense so I tried my best to forget about it and go on. When I started working with energy many years ago, I experienced many things that I could not explain. How can hips adjust with just placing the hands on the body? How can I be following someone in my car at a certain speed and once I change lanes, I pass them yet I am still going the same speed? I analyzed everything! When the thought finally occurred to me that I am not able to make sense of everything, it opened up a whole new world for me and saved me a lot of frustration. In fact, this concept is actually Infinite Healing™ Principle #9--It Is What it IS (page 121). This principle explains that we actually don’t have to make sense of anything. Note that this principle is a different take on the phrase than how it is commonly used. If you are continually trying to apply logic to life and justify why things are the way they are and why people do the things they do, you may miss out on time that could be better spent on other things. Needing to know why gets you stuck in the limited human Mind, gets you trapped in logic, and stagnates the flow of positive energy. Needing to know why puts you in the way of Unconditional Love. Spend more time doing things you enJOY and less time trying to make life make sense. Why do things have to make sense to you? References to page numbers refer to the Infinite Healing™: Empowering You to HEAL the Negative So the Positive Can Flow Naturally! book.
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Stacie FarnhamMy passion is to help you realize how powerful YOU are and how YOU have the power within you to create a life that is filled with Joy, Happiness, Peace, and Harmony! Archives
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